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Vita Buerlecithin Lecytyna płyn doustny 1L

Vita Buerlecithin Lecytyna płyn doustny 1L

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Vita Buerlecithin is a supportive medicinal product containing natural lecithin and vitamins.

Active substances: soy lecithin, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, sodium D-pantothenate, nicotinamide.

100 ml of the product contains 10.4 g of soy lecithin (a plant phospholipid complex containing, among others, biologically active ingredients: phosphatidylcholine, cephalin and inositophosphatide), 4.8 mg of vitamin B2 (as riboflavin sodium phosphate), 3.5 mg of vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride), 2.5 µg of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), 20 mg of sodium D-pantothenate and 35 mg of nicotinamide.

Excipients: ethanol 16.8%, sucrose, sodium citrate dihydrate, potassium sorbate, sodium edetate, coffee flavor, cochineal red, sodium hydroxide, mannitol, purified water.

Always use this medicine exactly as described in the package leaflet or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.

Adults and children from 12 years: 20 ml 3 times a day.

Shake the bottle well before use.
In the event of significant weakening of the body, the daily dose can be doubled.

Vita Buerlecithin contains lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system and muscles. It is very important for the proper functioning of the digestive system and the liver. Thanks to its emulsifying properties, it prevents the formation of fatty deposits in the body. The vitamins contained in the product supplement the daily requirement and support the action of lecithin.

Vita Buerlecithin is indicated for use in the case of:

  • weakening of memory and concentration,
  • stressful states, insomnia, nervous agitation,
  • states of physical and mental exhaustion
  • as an auxiliary in nervous heart ailments,
  • symptoms of vitamin B deficiency,
  • convalescence after illness,
  • auxiliary in the elderly,
  • preventively in atherosclerosis,
  • preventive and supportive with increased blood cholesterol.

Vita Buerlecithin to wspomagający produkt leczniczy zawierający naturalną lecytynę oraz witaminy.

Substancje czynne: lecytyna sojowa, witamina B2, witamina B6, witamina B12, sodowy D-pantotenian, amid kwasu nikotynowego.

100 ml produktu zawiera 10,4 g lecytyny sojowej (roślinny kompleks fosfolipidowy zawierający biologicznie czynne składniki: fosfatydylocholinę, kefalinę i inozytofosfatyd), 4,8 mg witaminy B2 (w postaci soli sodowej fosforanu ryboflawiny), 3,5 mg witaminy B6 (w postaci chlorowodorku pirydoksyny), 2,5 µg witaminy B12 (cyjanokobalaminy), 20 mg sodowego D-pantotenianu i 35 mg amidu kwasu nikotynowego.

Substancje pomocnicze: etanol 16.8%, sacharoza, sodu cytrynian dwuwodny, potasu sorbinian, sodu wersenian, aromat kawowy, czerwień koszenilowa, sodu wodorotlenek, mannitol, woda oczyszczona.

Ten lek należy zawsze stosować dokładnie tak, jak opisano to w ulotce dla pacjenta lub według zaleceń lekarza lub farmaceuty.

Dorośli i dzieci od 12 lat: 20 ml 3 razy na dobę.

Przed użyciem butelkę wstrząsnąć.
W razie znacznego osłabienia organizmu dawkę dobową można podwoić.
Vita Buerlecithin zawiera lecytynę, która korzystnie wpływa na czynności ośrodkowego i obwodowego układu nerwowego oraz mięśni. Jest bardzo ważna dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu pokarmowego oraz wątroby. Dzięki swoim właściwością emulgującym zapobiega tworzeniu się złogów tłuszczowych w organizmie. Witaminy zawarte w produkcie uzupełniają dzienne zapotrzebowanie oraz wspomagają działanie lecytyny.

Vita Buerlecithin jest wskazana do stosowania w przypadku:

  • osłabienia pamięci i koncentracji,
  • stanów stresowych, bezsenności, pobudzenia nerwowego,
  • stanów wyczerpania fizycznego i psychicznego
  • pomocniczo w dolegliwościach sercowych na tle nerwowym,
  • objawów niedoboru witamin z grupy B,
  • stanów rekonwalescencji po przebytej chorobie,
  • pomocniczo u osób w podeszłym wieku,
  • zapobiegawczo w miażdżycy naczyń,
  • zapobiegawczo i pomocniczo przy zwiększonym stężeniu cholesterolu we krwi.

Vita Buerlecithin is a dietary supplement that is derived from soybeans and contains phosphatidylcholine, which is an essential nutrient for cell membrane formation and liver function. Phosphatidylcholine is a major component of cell membranes and plays an important role in many biological processes, including cell signaling, membrane fluidity, and cell division. There is evidence to suggest that Vita Buerlecithin may be beneficial for cancer patients due to its ability to support liver function and improve cellular communication.

One of the key ways in which Vita Buerlecithin may help cancer patients is by supporting liver function. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the body and eliminating toxins, and it plays a crucial role in cancer treatment. Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments can put a significant strain on the liver, which can lead to complications such as liver damage or liver failure. Vita Buerlecithin has been shown to improve liver function and reduce liver damage in cancer patients undergoing treatment. In one study, patients who received Vita Buerlecithin had lower levels of liver enzymes and fewer liver complications compared to those who did not receive the supplement.

In addition to its role in liver function, Vita Buerlecithin may also help cancer patients by improving cellular communication. Cancer cells are known to disrupt cellular communication and promote abnormal cell growth and division. Phosphatidylcholine, the key component of Vita Buerlecithin, is involved in cellular communication and can help regulate cell growth and division. Studies have shown that phosphatidylcholine can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and promote the death of cancer cells in vitro. While more research is needed to determine the exact mechanism by which Vita Buerlecithin may inhibit cancer cell growth, it is clear that the supplement has potential as a cancer treatment.

Despite the potential benefits of Vita Buerlecithin for cancer patients, it is important to note that the supplement is not a substitute for conventional cancer treatment. Cancer is a complex disease that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other therapies. Vita Buerlecithin should be used as a complementary therapy in conjunction with conventional treatment, under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider.

In conclusion, Vita Buerlecithin may be beneficial for cancer patients due to its ability to support liver function and improve cellular communication. The supplement has been shown to reduce liver complications and improve liver function in cancer patients undergoing treatment, and it may also inhibit the growth of cancer cells. While more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of Vita Buerlecithin for cancer patients, it is clear that the supplement has potential as a complementary therapy for cancer treatment. If you or someone you know is undergoing cancer treatment, talk to a healthcare provider about whether Vita Buerlecithin may be an appropriate complementary therapy.

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